الثلاثاء، 21 يونيو 2016



The purpose of Field Crop Diseases Handbook is to provide basic infor-
mation in one volume on the diseases of many of the world's impor-
tant field crops. The second edition contains considerably more informa-
tion than the first edition. The first edition contained information on

over 800 different diseases; the second edition includes information on

approximately 1,200 diseases of 25 different plants. Investigations of the

causal organisms continually contribute new knowledge or modify exist-
ing facts. Information on many of the diseases included in the first edi-
tion has either been expanded or modified in light of new research.

The purpose of the book, however, remains the same: to provide infor-
mation on diseases of field crops in one volume to workers and students

in all phases of agriculture. The organization of the book also remains

basically the same. Diseases are grouped by causal organism and are

then listed in each group alphabetically by common name. While some

may criticize this method due to the variation in common names, it has

proven to be a helpful way to categorize diseases, especially for nonplant

pathologists. To facilitate finding a disease, other common names for the

same disease are listed.

The writing of such a book, of necessity, entails some frustration.

Taxonomically, genera and species of some organisms have undergone

numerous changes. However, some of these changes may not be univer-
sally accepted. Therefore, the use of a latin binomial for a causal organ-
ism may not be standard among different scientists working on the same

organism. Terms and descriptions may vary among plant pathologists

and other scientists. Although, in my judgment, I have attempted to

select the most common latin binomials and terms, I ask the indulgence

of those who may not agree with my choices.

Most important, the value of a book such as this lies in its usefulness

to its intended audience. If this book helps one student to identify the

cause of a disease or one agricultural professional to understand how a

disease happens, then its worth is vindicated.

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